Reflections on a (New Materialist) Conceptualization of Sorbian Digital Cultur
Cover Lětopis 71


Sorbian culture
digital culture
new materialism


Reflections on a (New Materialist) Conceptuali­zation of Sorbian Digital Culture

Contemporary culture is characterized by the omnipresence of digital technology in all areas of life, all around the world. The Sorbs also use digital technology intensively, lead­ing to the development of a Sorbian digital culture over time. However, this has not yet been researched, leaving many unanswered questions, the most fundamental of which is how to define Sorbian digital culture. This article offers reflections on this question by reviewing definitions of both Sorbian culture and digital culture. It shows that considering the material infrastructure of digital technology is a precondition for defining Sorbian digital culture. New materialism is introduced as a possible approach, and examples are provided to support this argument.
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